Saturday 1 October 2011

Missiles Of Love

Missiles of Love 

Around the World, missiles and guns.
 Constantly fired 
Death, birth and love though, 
Not yet retired. 
Innocent children brought into this political unrest 
Too young to fight
 Too young to protest 
Innocence and love in childhood
Is their life,
 It is their norm, 
 Yet elders of countries, 
Constantly fighting to reform!

Maybe the saviours from the devastation 
Emanates from their seed
For every fighting nation 
Its from the innocent 
They should take heed 
No prejudices indoctrinated 
Peace, love and tolerance, 
 The only missiles activated. 


  1. And the tragedy is, those innocent children are taught to fight and hate eachother.


    letting you know that your poetic reflection is posted and shared, thanks for the positive feedback..

    stay positive, smiles.

    Happy Halloween.


If you have something to contribute please leave your details.All feedback is welcomed ..Thank you x